Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm having somewhat of a "great" day! And I'm not even being sarcastic! I was visited by my Aunt Sherry, an RN, earlier this morning. She brought me some medical supplies such as an ace wrap (for some reason Matt threw ours out a few months back because nobody was using it... I guess he doesn't get the concept of a medicine cabinet?!) some 4 x 4's and something to take the pressure off of my foot while in the boot or while it's elevated. I showed her the problems I was having getting into the boot and asked her opinion. She said it's simply not ready to be put on. We ace wrapped it using a figure 8 and I bent my foot up as far as I could. After I realized (well, after Sherry made me realize..) I have to stop thinking in the mindset of a patient and think like a nurse I was able to remain calm about the situation.

I absolutely LOVE my new bath chair!! I was able to get into the shower COMPLETELY allowing me to wash everything. See, before I received the chair, I would have to wash my legs and feet with a baby wipe. I don't think this got me too clean and left me feeling a bit miserable. But today I was able to get in, wash, AND shave my right leg (the best I could, anyway)!!

It is now 2pm and I'm feeling fine. I didn't necessarily like the pills Dr. Rod gave me to help me sleep. I still twitched (which these were supposed to end) and didn't get much sleep. I did sleep for four straight hours instead of an hour here and there, though.

Gizmo has taken to a new spot in the house. He has to be right next to my foot at all times. He wont allow anyone near me as he thinks they are going to hurt me. This is cute, but can get quite annoying.

My foot is swelling up quite a bit so I think it has seen enough excitement for today. I better go elevate it.


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