Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ahh, so that's what a full nights sleep feels like - I almost forgot! I feel super refreshed and I am in much better mood today.

I worked on my newly assigned foot exercise this morning and will have to do it again this evening sometime. I have to start flexing it. The better I get at this, the better my foot will heal and aid when I start doing PT. I did pretty good this morning. I would pull my foot back using an exercise band (It's the only Christmas present I am able to use so far....) and hold it there for a minute. I would then slowly let my foot down and then repeat the process. I did this for 20 minutes. My foot started to swell so I had to stop. I was expecting this to hurt quite a bit seeing as it hasn't had the opportunity to move. To my surprise it didn't! After I did it with help I tried to do it on my own. I can move my foot back but not nearly as far as it needs to get. Practice, practice, practice!

It's amazing how quick atrophy sets in. It's only been 2½ weeks and I've already lost 1⅓ inches in diameter from my right calf muscle! I'm hoping these foot pumps (Forget your fist pumps, Jersey! Down here we do the foot pump!) I'm supposed to be doing help my calf from diminishing any more than it already has.


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