Friday, January 7, 2011


Another sleepless night. I don't know why this is, but during the day I'm pretty comfortable but the minute I get ready for bed and lay down, WHAM, I enter uncomfortable land! In total, I believe I got 1.5 hours last night. Nice, right? As soon as I fall asleep, not a minute more, my foot does this twitching thing. It forces my foot off the pillow and slams it back down onto the pillow. Recently, a new twitch developed. It now twitches my foot left or right. This is very painful as my foot still is unable to go that direction. Then I'm up for a while, in tears and pain, until I can go "back to sleep." Rinse, repeat. When I wasn't twitching, I wasn't breathing, (hey, thanks sleep apnea!) so Matt would have to nudge me awake (I guess he isn't sleeping too much lately, either. This will most likely lead to nothing good). I still have to sleep with my foot elevated above my heart, thus, making me sleep on my back. I am a side sleeper and cannot sleep comfortably on my back. So not only am I going stir crazy from being a prisoner in my own home, I'm also getting delirious from lack of sleep. Wait a minute, this is like that movie... you know the one... The Shining! "Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Megan!"

I've developed a new habit. I take off the splint and dressing and re-wrap it constantly throughout the day. I did this 19 times last night from 12am-5am. I do this in hopes of landing a position that is at least tollerable. It hasn't felt secure or comfortable since Tuesday, before my appointment. The MA that re-wrapped it after it was taken off didn't do it right. She didn't use enough padding around the ankle area, which, duh, that's where the injury is, and well, duh, that's where the most padding should be! That and the split is a little too big, so more padding was necessary than usual to fill the larger areas, which she declined to do. In attempts to fix it properly, I sent Matt to the store to buy more gauze like they used so they wouldn't know I was fiddling with it, however, the type they used was uber expensive so I told him nevermind.

I'm not allowing myself to take a nap today. I need to be fatigued for tonight. Maybe that will give me the sleep I need. Here's to hoping, anyway.


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