Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today was my first post op visit...

My day started off with much frustration. Everything seemed to be hindering my movement to and fro. I did, though, get to shave my left leg and upper right leg thanks to the new electric shaver Matt got for me this morning! Oh, and I washed my hair and took a "shower"! I concur, good news, indeed! My frustration and temper tantrums made me realize what those who are permanently injured/paralyzed have to go through every day of their lives. I feel blessed mine is only temporary (a very long temporary..).

My first post op visit was this afternoon at 2pm. I was debating for a while about whether or not I should take a pain pill (or two...) before my appointment in case they wanted to do anything that I might consider painful. You see, I would have to say I have absolutely no pain tolerance at all. Most everything hurts me, even paper cuts. Matt told me they probably wouldn't do anything today that would be painful. He said the x-rays would be taken through the cast so they wouldn't have to remove the split (I guess this is the common practice at his clinic). I told that he better be right. Without popping any pain medicine we were out the door. We arrived and checked in. The wait wasn't too bad, I was impressed! We were called back in to the room and the nurse took off the dressing and splint. !!!! I shot Matt this 'I hate you' look for steering me wrong. It hurt when she had to pull the dressing from the sutures. Can I just tell you that what was under it all wasn't too pretty? I do have to admit, Dr. Rod did a fabulous job with the surgery AND with keeping my most favorite tattoo (the koi) together nicely. The fish itself came out unscathed, however, the same can't be said for the splash of water beneath.

After the dressing came off it was time for x-rays. Oh my gosh, I think these hurt worse than the first round of x-rays at the ER the night of the incident! It's really hard to move your ankle when there is a plate, 8 screws, and 2 j-pins holding your foot from moving. I literally screamed out loud! I would have been embarrassed but the pain was just too much and I really didn't give a sh...crap. Dr. Rod examined the x-rays and the surgery site and said there was no sign of infection. The swelling is still so great that we were unable to get the sutures removed today but we made an appointment for next week (Tuesday, Jan. 11 @ 3:10pm) to do so. I've decided that from now on, I am most definitely taking pain medication before my appointments, no matter what.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.................I just hope I get some sleep!


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